
Topic: The Boost Thread: GTAV, RDO etc...

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@colonelkilgore Sounds like a right rollercoaster that, good to hear you got them done in the end đź‘Ś



@render yeah a bit of a palaver tbh… thankfully quickly rectified with a gentle nudge in the right direction by @CaptD.



The Colonel @colonelkilgore and I are going to start Shadow Warrior 2 ("free" on Extra or ÂŁ3 in current sale) in a few weeks. It supports up to 4 players in coop so if anyone wants to join then just say.

Platinum notes...the game will require quite the grind, multiple playthrus and hardest difficulty completion. Only the host will get the hardest difficulty trophy although I'm guessing that if a client is also Insane difficulty then they should get it as well, if this isn't true then a cloud upload/download followed by changing the host would correct that.
There is NG+ so play on normal/easy and get all the upgrades etc.. then NG+ on insane.

PS. The game doesn't have a PS5 build and is locked to 30fps so any purists might want to look away now.
(Unfortunately it does need 60fps but it is what it is).

Edited on by CaptD



@colonelkilgore Putting this comment here as I'd rather not type it on psn.
I've finished the first playthrough on Shadow warrior 2, on Normal, and have just started on Insane , it isn't too difficult so far.

The main problem with the platinum is the collection of 50 secrets. Some are only available in Main story missions and the rest are in side missions which can be obtained when free roaming the side mission maps.
There is a video on psnprofiles which has about 60. They are grouped by map and then grouped in sections (as the maps are semi randomised).
What I did was write down each main story and then the various free roam maps, I then ensured that I would get all the secrets when grouped (i.e. 5-7 in calamity town). My advice is write down the location and group numbers when sounds ott and it is but you will thank me later.
I have 42 at the moment, all story ones (I followed the vid) and a few in free roam but I haven't spent too much time on those, mainly because it is tedious and annoying.

As for game play, not too difficult later on but does feel difficult at the beginning and stay away from bounties till mid late game. I did the Trails towards the end of the game they seem really difficult but aren't too bad.
For most enemies I like to spam grips of darkness (there is an amulet that helps) and guns for bosses.

I didn't intend to play this much but got a little addicted.

Edited on by CaptD



@CaptD okay mate, seems like quite a lot of helpful and time-saving info there… so appreciate it 👍. Sounds like you’re enjoying it, so quite keen to actually get to it… though I have a couple of things I want to clear from the backlog first. Reckon I’ll manage to make a start on it in around two weeks.


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